Monday 21 May 2012

Is it worth it?

I don't know about you, but when I want something, I'm pretty capable of convincing myself there's a good reason for me to have it. If I want some chocolate, chocolate is made from beans, ergo, is good for you. And this evening, as I contorted my body to manage to poke my head out our bathroom window, I wondered how far we all go to achieve what we want. In Scotland, when it's been sunny, the evening is my favourite time of day. It's possibly the closest it will get to Australian weather, although in Australia this would be a lovely Winter's day, here, it's almost Summer. Out our bathroom window, it's fairytale land. And when the sun starts to wind it's way through the Birch trees and stretch itself out over the mossy green grass, and the sky turns almost cream and the mites in the air looks like gold dust floating around,  and the birds are singing their tinkling tunes, I will do what I can to be in that. Even if it means twisting my body and sticking my head through a velux window, with nothing to lean on but spiky toiletries.
I've been reading Priscilla Shirer's 'He Speaks to Me - Preparing to hear from God', and it makes about a bajillion excellent and life changing points. But what struck me today, from I had read previously, was the question, 'Is it all worth it?' Now, I know that poking my head through the bathroom window for 15 minutes was worth it, it was a beautiful moment. But a beautiful moment that lasted for 15 minutes. When we consider our circumstances at present, do we have in our minds eye the big picture? Do we get bogged down with the day to day, and the disappointments and frustrations? Or do we unknowingly decide to be a mediocre Christian, because we can't grasp the end point and therefore do not make the hard decisions (which effectively result in only good from God) along the way? When you decide to cut the bad language, step back from unhelpful or gossip-y conversations, refuse to watch or read certain shows and books, when you make the unpopular decision for the glory of God, do you think it will be worth it? Or do you know it will be worth it?
I am sure that when the end of the world comes, and when I kneel in front of my King and sing His praises, while I hope to hear the words, 'Well done, good and faithful servant', I will without a doubt know, it was ALL worth it.
Now the challenge is this: to remind myself of this, in every single moment, of every single day. When it's tough, and when I get to stick my head out the window for 15 minutes.

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